Walmart Back to School

Truth be told…. I AM NOT READY for these two to start school next month…’s as though summer has just started!! Maybe it’s because they’re getting older and one step closer to leaving the nest (or correction, MY arse is getting older and way more sentimental), but I so thoroughly enjoy the slow and lazy pace of our summers…..they sleep in, surface when I get home from my workout, piddle around during the day, we stay up later, dusk swims, Calvin slumber parties with them, we watch movies….I’m just not ready to let the swing of the school year set in.

Lessening the back to school blow; however, is Walmart with all its adorable BTS finds….read this terry set in lilac and green…..pair them as a set or on their own with some classic Levis for a teen approved first day of school look. Other goodies perfect for the teens are this gray sweatshirt…do your teens love friggin baggy sweatshirts as much as mine….this linen style dress, this button down, these dad sneakers, and all the supplies (this label maker, homework cart, stapler, pens, composition books)… name it, Walmart has it in droves.

I will say supply shopping gets me moderately excited for their fresh school year start….just a tinge. Stocked up on all of the below goodies from Walmart this past weekend….I’ll style the cart for y’all on stories once the goodies arrive! Here’s to embracing the dog days of summer!! Make it a great one!

This post was sponsored by Walmart. All opinions expressed herein are my very own.


Chappo Chats Volume 4


Summer Faves with Scoop + Sport