Adele All Day

So I truly am so very excited to share that Adele of Lexington now has an ONLINE SHOP!  I've been a long time fan of both Heather & Meghann (owners) and their insane buying power--the gals know how to curate a really sick collection of jewels (see pics above)  and home decor.  I'm beyond thrilled that non-Lexingtonians can now share in my love and borderline addiction for all things Adele.  The gals of Adele have the knack for adorning their shop with a beautiful high-low mix which allows for something perfect for women of all ages--think Hyla Dewitt, local talent Stacey Gudeman, Honey Rose & K, and--wait for it...Bourbon & Boweties--yep, B&B is now avail at Adele!  And if that hasn't enticed you enough, how great that Adele is offering 
s + s readers 20% off with the code SEERSUCKER.  How about a little Black Tuesday action??  Speaking of, Lexingtonians, Adele will be having a Stocking Sale in store on Friday where you can draw a discount ranging from 10-25% off.  Alright gang, I'm off my soapbox, but def do yourself a favor and check out Adele..I was just in the shop last week and they're constantly adding new goodies!  
PS:  Make sure you also hop on over to yesterday's Giveaway Post--it's a goodin'--make it a good one!

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem


Classic Stripes


Jumpsuit & Jewels