Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Our Adoption Story: We Are the Chappos by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Mom:  Dress on SALE // Ring

Chase:  Blouse // Pants // Sneaks (ALL ON SALE)

Roo:  Dress on SALE // Sneaks // Monster Bag on SALE

Man, gang, this one overwhelms me right from the start.  Probably more so than Calvin's Birthstory, our Wedding Day, or any of my other personal posts.  I'd say it's because October 18th was a day I never really thought imaginable I suppose, here's our adoption story.  For those of you that have followed Seersucker + Saddles for sometime, you're well aware of our journey... and you've been supportive as hell throughout it all.  But for those of you that are new, I won't dwell on the past, but the gals and I have overcome our fair share of heartache in recent years past.  I have no doubts our past has made us a stronger, closer unit.  I also have zero doubts Happy Endings exist.  And I'd like to take this adoption story to focus on that.  Not on how far we've come, but where we are or rather where we were on October 18, 2017.

As I stood before the judge and she asked me if I was "In favor of John Chappo adopting my daughters," I sobbed.  I mean I S O B B E D.  So much so I could barely get the words, "I Do," out of my mouth.  Blame it on the fact that I had just welcomed my sweet baby Calvin into the world a mere four days prior #hormonal.  Blame it on the fact that my two beautiful daughters who were the light of my life were being adopted by the other light of my life... my husband, John.  I know I'll never be able to truly express what this day meant to me...to us...but when I reflect...oh goodness, I just can't begin to tell y'all that in that moment, I felt such an immense amount of joy--I'm, yet again, crying as I type this.  I had my sweet family of five.  My daughters, my new precious baby boy, and this incredible man that has changed our lives in the most profound way.  A way I'm not sure he fully realizes.  When you ask John if he felt any different on that day he'll tell you, "No, they've always felt like my daughters."  Goodness, that man.  Words don't do his heart, selflessness, and devoted nature justice.   And to have my mom, my two best friends who were there the night John and I met and are more or less second/third moms to the girls (and now Calvin's Godmothers), and John's parents present to witness such a momentous day was simply beautiful and overwhelming all at once.  I could literally type for hours, but I feel like I should spare y'all more adoption story sappiness than necessary and leave it at that---these pictures say it on all of our faces.  We are happy.  We are so very happy.  We are blessed beyond measure.  We are the Chappos.........

On this Thanksgiving Day I wish you and your family, friends, and loved ones a wonderful day.  I clearly have so very much to be thankful for and y'all are definitely on that list.  Thank you for your support through the years...y'all have been a part of our journey right outta the gate and I'm forever appreciative--truly truly gang.  Enjoy your day my friends...make it a great one!

A heartfelt thank you to Shelly Ruth for capturing such a special day...these pics will forever be treasured!


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