Baby Talk

images c/o Solo Diner & Table for Two

'Tis the season for BABIES!  I've got lots of future babies and newborn babies in my life right now (Brooke's, Kristin's, Tiff's, Emily's)--it's just wonderful!  With that being said, I am so very excited to introduce a line to you (with a side of a GIVEAWAY) that is without a doubt a crazy good lifesaver for moms.  Not only are these lines near and dear to my heart, but when I tell you that I am so bummed I didn't have the Solo Diner for my gals, I ain't lying.  The Boppy & Bumbo are good and all, but Solo Diner puts them pups to shame.  Not only is it a stylish seat for bottle & spoon feeding--here's the kicker--Solo Diner's positioning provides perfect feeding posture to aid in digestion and help relieve symptoms such as acid reflux, colic, colds, & breathing difficulties--something very common (and frustrating) in our little ones.  
So onto the fun part---Solo Diner is gifting one s + s reader an adorable seat with the fabric of their choice.  Entry rules are a cake walk (see below).  For moms of multiples, make sure you also check out Solo's Big SisterTable for Two--because, "Everything is Better When Twins Dine Together!"  Remember how I said these are near & dear to my heart?  Well they are--my very best girlfriend from college, Lindsey, created both Table for Two & Solo Diner after having twins and experiencing the frustration of bottle feeding two at a time!  If you have a little bundle(s) in your life, Solo Diner and Table for Two will undoubtedly become your new BFF!  Make it a good one gang--outfit post coming to you live tomorrow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


'Tis the Season
