Behind the Lens

all images c/o Kristin Tatem

You have a fancy camera.  You have hopes of capturing images that have that editorial, crisp, yet blurry in the background feel.  You take said fancy camera for a test drive..and nada--no blur, no crisp, no magazine worthy, hell, barely even Facebook worthy ultimately ends up on an auto setting and your dreams of becoming a photog are quickly diminished.  Not any more, gang, not any more.  I am truly so thrilled to be announcing the launch of my girl's, Kristin Tatem, online  class, Beginners Photography Class.  I have taken this class live twice and I am telling you, you will be amazed at how she explains how to get your camera to work for YOU--many lightbulb moments indeed.  Truly, the proof is in the pudding--just scroll through my posts and you can see the passion she has behind the lens--kid knows what she's talking about--and in turn, I now take better pics of my little ladies.  Moms who want to capture moments with their children, bloggers, business owners (think Etsy), and aspiring photographers will all benefit from this Online Class.  And because it's Christmas and I love giving stuff away, The Beginner's Photography Class is giving away one FREE ONLINE CLASS to a 
s + s  reader.  Entry rules are simple and stated below.  Giveaway will end next Wednesday eve--make it a good one--outfit post coming to you manana!  


-you MUST like Beginners Photography Class on FACEBOOK

-extra ENTRY if you Pin ABOVE s + s collage using PIN IT button in upper right corner of image

-PLEASE leave comment below stating how you entered, EMAIL ADDRESS and What you would like to takeaway from class (ie:  mom wanting to take pics of kids, better blog pics, etc)


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