Cam's Crib

bedding (Pottery Barn Teen ON SALE), bed (Land of Nod), pineapple & KY prints (Adele of Lexington), books (Adele of Lexington), b/w pillow (Adele of Lexington), frames (Adele of Lexington), toy bins (Adele of Lexington), lamp (Target), rug (Land of Nod), sneaks (Puma)

Quite excited to share my little one's crib today being that it is her 6th bday and all.  Which sidenote,  where in the Sam Hell does the time go?  Truly--I so vividly remember the incredible day she was born and I just want to remind myself to stop and be.  Just be and slow the heck down because it is passing awfully quickly---ok, soapbox out. 

So after doing Big Sis' Room, I promised Campbell I would tackle hers next.   Two things immediately took place--One, I hopped on the horn with my gal Meghann from Adele because her eye and aesthetic is just that damn good and girlfriend will help me tweak my lackluster interior eye...said it before, I know what I like, but Meghann helps with the placement, proportions, and is just bad ass with interiors.  Second order of biz, snag a Comforter from Pottery Barn Teen--this one is on sale and just sets the perfect tone for Cam's room.  But it's truly the details of Cam's room that I adore...the Pineapple Prints, the shot of Kentucky, the framed pics of the fam, the books, and my personal fave, the toy bins that hold everything but the dang kitchen sink (all items c/o Adele of Lexington).  It's these little trinkets that add character and personality to Cam's Crib---just love the end result--fun, vibrant, and girly--just like her!  Happy 6th Bday Sweet Gal---mom adores you from here to the heavens!  
If y'all like what you see, don't hesitate to give the gals at Adele a ring---they'll ship outta state, too!  Alright gang, make it a fab one---off to shoot some pics!  

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

Criss Cross


Spring Graphics