The Dry Time

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman styling her hair with the Dyson Hair Dryer.

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman styling her hair with the Dyson Hair Dryer.

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman styling her hair with some Hairitage hair spray.

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman styling her hair with the Dyson Hair Dryer.

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman styling her hair with the Dyson Hair Dryer.

Dyson Hair Dryer by popular Indianapolis life and style blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of the Dyson Hair Dryer, a round brush, and some hairitage wiggle room spray.

Not gonna lie, Gang, I wasn't entirely sold on this DYSON HAIR DRYER when it first came out...I mean the price tag just seemed like a hefty commitment. That is...until I gave it whirl; and discovered it cut my getting ready time in H A L F...heck more than half! We're talking it used to take me roughly 10+ mins to blow dry and flat iron my hair (which relative to some of you ladies with locks for days..that's peanuts). BUT now it only takes T W O. You read that right...T W O M I N S. Thanks to the Dyson Hair Dryer I snagged from Walmart it now takes me a F R A C T I O N of the time.

Dyson Hair Dryer

Couple this incredibly efficient Dryer with some of my latest Hairitage products I'm loving from Walmart, and I'm even able to ditch the flat iron....Makes getting ready in the mornings an absolute breeze! My routine has definitely been simplified as I simply apply some of this Hairitage Take Your Vitamins Argan Oil to my wet hair, round brush blow dry with the Dyson, and top it off with a little Wiggle Room (vegan) Hairitage Spray (loving this stuff because it manages to provide hold AND movement) and VOILA....T minus Two Mins to a freshly coiffed 'do!

True story, I woke up this morning at 7:15, showered, styled the hair per the above steps, got dressed, kids on the bus, me out the door, and ON TIME to my 8am therapy appointment. Not a shabby way to start the day if you ask me! Alright, gang. Do yourself a favor and check out the Walmart Reviews on both the Dyson Hairdryer AND the Hairitage Line. Pretty dang solid! Make it a great one!

This post was sponsored by Walmart. All opinions expressed herein are my very own.

Have you used the Dyson hair dryer before? Let me know in a comment below!


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