Flash Giveaway: Kate Spade

iPad sleeve (Kate Spade)
My childhood pals, Brooke & Tiff, can attest to this fact about me---I buy things I have ZERO use for--done it for ages.  Like when I used to buy hair accessories as a kid even though my hair was shorter than it is now.  I knew ONE DAY my hair would be long and so therefore, I found these types of purchases to be completely practical.  Thank heavens now I have an excuse--a GIVEAWAY!!  

You see, I am way behind the technological curve and don't even own an iPad---hell, my 67 year old mother even does!  I actually purchased an iPad case a few months ago in anticipation of buying an iPad (remember, the 9-5 post) only to give it to my girlfriend, Kristin.  It's a sickness I tell ya---Anyhow, I just couldn't resist the cuteness of this one and figured I'd totally justify my impractical spending by doing an impromptu Giveaway for one of my lovely readers--I can't stand the thoughts of this going unused!  It's going to be a quick and painless entry...see below and I will announce the winner on Wednesday's post.  I feel so much better now that I've admitted this.....

PS:  Have you seen this morning's post?  It's a goodin' with loads of Kentuckian flavor!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stripes on Repeat


Off to the Races--Again!