Girls Just Wanna Have

big sis:  tee (Tucker + Tate, Nordstrom), long sleeve (Tucker + Tate, Nordstrom), skinnies (Similar), hightops (Converse)
little sis:  shirt (Tucker + Tate, Nordstrom), jeggings (Tucker + Tate, Nordstrom), vest (see other Vests), wellies (Hunter ON SALE)

F U N!  Yes, with these two sillies, there's always a hefty dose of fun going down.  My girls love to get dressed up now and again, but more often than not, my two bunnies want to be cool and comfy....and thanks to the adorable threads from Tucker + Tate at Nordstrom they're able to do just that!  Casual, Fun, & Great Quality, this playful line from Nordstrom is definitely one of our current faves.  Big sis just had to have the hashtag while little miss was smitten with the kitten.  Make sure to check out some of our top Tucker + Tate picks from Nordstrom (this Star Sweater is at the top of my list) below.  Cheers to a lovely start to your week--make it a good one, gang!

FTC disclosure: Disclosure: This post was sponsored by NORDSTROM.  While I was compensated to write a post about NORDSTROM, all opinions are my own.

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem


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