I Love Sundays

shirt, sneaks, jacket (Omar + Elsie), bag (Clare Vivier), jeans (Paige), beanie (SIMILAR ON SALE FOR $7!), shades (Ray Ban), rings (Lagos, Anna Beck)

It gives you permission to be lazy, loungy, and just take a load off--who doesn't love a Sunday?  And who doesn't love a most adorable boutique who carries designers such as Loeffler Randall, Clare Vivier, & Cynthia Rowley?  Why thank you, Omar + Elsie!  I'm an avid fan of shopping local here in Lex and supporting our slew of lovely boutiques--O + E is def at the top of my list!  And here's a little Sunday Love for all s + s readers...call my gals at O + E (tomorrow, closed today) and tell them s + s sent you for a 15% discount on your entire purchase.  Abby or Ann will be there tomorrow from 10-5:30 so be sure to give them a buzz at 859.231.6627 (they'll ship outta state, too)!  
Alright gang, make it a good one--cheers to relaxation on this Superbowl Sunday!  I'm web surfing a smidge and on the brink of adding to my sneak collection with These Bad Boys--I need an intervention!

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

Distressed Frills


Not A Seahawk