Links A La Mode
Links a la Mode (8/16): 20 Great Style Posts (Including one from Yours Truly!)
I'm honored to be included in Independent Fashion Bloggers’ weekly roundup of style blog posts, below. Enjoy!
Hey, Hey, Good Lookin’
Edited by: Taylor Davies
This week’s link round up is full of shopping and outfit inspiration – it seems like the community is in a very fashionable mood of late (not that you aren’t always!). Some of you are looking forward to fall, some are building your wardrobe of essentials and some are exploring shopping on a budget when you’re curvy. We also had some great submissions from some menswear bloggers in our community – it’s an all-around win!If your post was selected, be sure to check out the LALM badge on the right side of the site to grab the code for this week to re-post on your blog. Thanks for submitting!
- Bowtie Diary: Borrowed From Grandparents
- Best of BKLYN: How to Shop Realistically
- Coach Closet: How To Get Away With Wearing Shorts To Work
- Dress Code: High Fashion: Call of the Wild
- Elegant Idiosyncrasy: Your Effervescence So Enchantingly
- Fetishist’s Notes: Tie Dye and Leather
- Good Bad & Fab: The Transformative Power of Key Accessories
- Glamour & Gourmet: Summer To Fall // Brights Meet Autumnal Hues
- Happy. Pretty. Sweet.: Building A Capsule Wardrobe
- My Fashion Wishlist: The Big New Jewelery Trend – Above Knuckle Rings
- My Vintage Curves: Wear Your Personality
- Phiphi’s Blog: The Blues
- Seersucker + Saddles: The Tweed
- Shapely Chic Sheri: Shopping While Shapely – Touring NYC
- Stephanie Sturtida: Paint Day
- Style Inked: Office “Western” Wardrobe Essentials
- Sugar & Spice: 5 Things To Do Now That The Olympics Are Over
- The Style Examiner: Matinique Menswear – Addressing the Challenge of Shopping for Summer Clothes in August
- The Sweetly Sour: Sweet Designers – A Lee + Vee Lee
- Weston Jaeger Style: House Style (Jean Paul Gaultier Exhibit)
SPONSOR:Shopbop : Tocca, Vanessa Mooney, Foley + Corinna, Clare Vivier, LAMB, SW3, NCbis, Vic Matie, R13 Jeans, Satchels & Duffels

Big Thanks, IFB, for the feature. Make sure y'all take a gander at the fellow blogs--outfit post to FOLLOW!