My Life in Leopard

" far as I'm concerned, leopard is a neutral," damn straight, Jenna Lyons, damn straight.  How can we really debate this as being fact?  Neutrals, stripes, brights, double dosed (hell, even triple dosed), gingham, gold, pearls, plaids--my love of leo is NEVER ending and wanna know why...she goes with everything!  I've spouted off at the mouth countless times about my loyalty to leo and how I, too, have always viewed it as a neutral.  Be fearless when it comes to the pattern, just remember to either use in small doses or if using larger say in the ways of jeans, a dress, or a blouse--tone everything else down and keep her classic.  Check out some leo I'm clocking below.  Alright gang, cheers to a fab week--we've got ourselves another snow day--make it a good one!


Simply Scarves


Red Does Red