Orange You Glad

clutch (

GiGi New York c/o

), blouse (available at 

Morton James Lexington, KY c/o

), skirt (

J.Crew extra 40% off with code SHOPHAPPY

), heels (


), bracelets (

Sylvia Benson c/o

), cuff (unknown), rings (Anna Beck, Lagos), shades (


), belt (Old Navy, old)

Well Happy New Year, gang!  How 'bout it--kinda crazy, but here we are in 2014!  Before we get to the rig, let me first start out by saying yet another THANK YOU!  As I mentioned in 

This Post

, I had a bit of hesitancy about getting so personal--which based on the outpouring of purely sweet, genuine, and loving responses from you all was just silly!  Y'all never seize to amaze me---seriously, women are just so dang fantastic, supportive, and beautifully vulnerable--we truly need to stick together more often!  I have to tell you hitting "publish" on that post was quite frightening and yet so dang therapeutic at the same time--so thank ya, thank ya--may get a little personal on you more often!  I promise I have read and re-read every comment, post, email (and WILL respond)--I just took advantage of being reunited with my babes after a few days with their dad that I haven't gotten to it quite yet (plus they make me cry every time I read them--in a good way)!  But out with the old and in with the new shall we....

Yes, the new---this new little 

Orange Python Beauty

--I just love love this clutch from 

GiGi New York

.  It's big, it's bright, it's classic, and personally I believe it's going to elevate a ton of my looks.  The fact you can slap a monogram on there--well hell, that's just icing!  Definite intend to sport this number once I get my butt in gear and back into work mode.  You can never go wrong with a classic 

Pencil Skirt

 (on sale) and a blouse--the J.Crew pencils suck you in just right and give you a little curve, too!  Alright gang, cheers to a productive beginning to the new year--let's def make it a good one!  

photos courtesy of 

Kristin Tatem


The Buffalo Plaid


New Year's Cozy