Printed Pinstripes

shirt (Target Men's), jeans (7FAM, Morton James, available online HERE), sneaks (Converse, these EYELETS would look cute, too), bag (Michael Kors), watch (Michael Kors), rings (Lagos, Anna Beck), cuff (Similar), pink/yellow friendship bracelets (made by my sweet gal, Chaser), necklaces (Pink Pineapple Shop c/o, Love THESE), shades (Gucci)

If y'all have been following along for a bit, you know this is more or less my uniform.  A Button DownJeans, and Converse--she's no fail.   Hopefully the stripe & floral print mix spruced it up a bit for you and avoided inducing boredom.  And while the Chucks tomboy it up, the cluster of Pearls does a good job balancing out the 'boy.  Speaking of boy, remember I chatted about loving a Men's Button Down?  Well this Striped Oxford  is no exception (and for the price, come on now).   Moral of today's story, she's a good kick-it-kinda-rig for a Friday (or any day really).  
Cheers to a fantastic weekend---gonna soak up the last few days of my mom's visit.  Hate sending her back to the Sunshine State--we just love having her around!  Make it a good one, gang!

Photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

The Dress Up


Too Cool For School