Spotlight: Good Life
all images courtesy of Good Life

Let's meet Jill, shall we? Classic. Fresh. Effortless. The lovely mother of two behind the successful blog, Good Life, knows what works for her and stays true to it while doing so beautifully. And you know, I just love that about her! A classic beauty (she makes me want to grow my hair out--I want a sock bun, dangit) with relatable style, Jill brings such an ease to her rigs that reminds us, well me really, it doesn't need to be overly styled to be chic. She believes regardless of budget or lifestyle, all women can feel confident & pulled together with a little inspiration. How great (and true) is that? It bears mentioning, the girl will also give you one hell of a fashion collage--seriously, she gives accessible editorials for a slew of occasions. So with all of the above being said, go take a gander at the Good Life, no doubt you'll be happy you did!
A big thanks to Jill for allowing me to share her loveliness over here on s + s. Get connected with her via Twitter, FaceBook, & Pinterest.
PS: Did y'all see my Pastel Palette from yesterday? Make sure to give it a look for a little Spring teaser. Make it a good one, gang!