The Fair Mix

sweater (Old Navy ON SALE), jeans (PAIGE denim ON SALE), shirt (American Eagle c/o, see BLUE BUFFALO), sneaks (Vans), bag (Clare Vivier sold out, NAVY VERSION ON SALE TONIGHT), ring (shine on vine, anna beck), shades (Ray Ban)

A very belated Happy New Year, gang!  Just now getting back into the states after a phenomenal getaway to Uruguay and Argentina.  To say the trip was incredible would be quite the understatement---full of culture and an undeniable energy--it was magical!
So after a little hiatus, I hear I'm in for quite the winter treat upon getting back into Lex (I'm about to board my flight in ATL and can already feel the chill from within the airport)---ugh--sister ain't ready for it at all!  My skin is going to revolt I just know it.  Hang in there with me as I get myself situated and organized for the new year---I'll have some regular posts coming our way from here on out. Real quick tidbit on the rig, this Fair Isle from Old Navy is on crazy good sale under $20!!  With an upcoming trip to Sundance, I'm still on the hunt for affordable knits and this one is a goodin. Alright gang, about to board---cheers to a good evening and STAY BUNDLED!

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

A Designer Sale


Navy Loves Pink