The Scoop on a Camo Sweater

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Boxy Crewneck Sweater.

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Boxy Crewneck Sweater.

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Boxy Crewneck Sweater.

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Duster Cardigan Sweater.

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Duster Cardigan Sweater.

The Scoop on a Camo Sweater by popular Indianapolis fashion blog, Seersucker and Saddles: image of a woman outside wearing a Walmart Scoop Camo Intarsia Duster Cardigan Sweater.
I went ahead and posted this look on INSTAGRAM last week because I had a sneaking suspicion the camo sweater look from SCOOP line at WALMART would sell out. And man, y'all snagged these up Q U I C K L Y!! But don't fret, because while my Camo Sweater and Cardi are both sold out, you can still get your hands on this Camo Dress, this Leo Cardi, this Distressed Sweatshirt, and a STEAL VERSION of my Kelly Green Bag! Needless to say the Scoop line at WALMART is delivering some serious gems at a nice little price point!
I also wanted to toss in some of the random items I've snagged from Walmart this month for Calvin and the house. Y'all know Calvin is O B S E S S E D with the school bus...literally his favorite thing to do each day is watch the gals get off and on the bus "Dee Bus" it was a no brainer he'd love the LITTLE PEOPLE SCHOOL BUS...a big hit..he also loves when we sing "The Wheels on the Bus" too! Since we are knee deep in all things speech, I thought these FLASH CARDS would be a fun way to work on his words. And lastly, while an odd one...I L O V E these knives. Nonnie bought these for me ages ago...and over time and two moves, I lost I was stoked to find them at Walmart and ON SALE! Not sure what it is about them (I'm pretty sure the fun colors play a part)....but happy knives aside, they're great for prepping food!
Alright, Gang, I'd say all in all, a very successful Walmart Haul this month! Cheers to your week....make it a great one!

Do you own a camo sweater? Share in a comment below!

This post was sponsored by Walmart. All opinions expressed herein are my very own.


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