Work Mixup


blazer (J.Crew ON SALE), blouse (J.Crew ON SALE), skirt (J.Crew old, SIMILAR), shoes (J.Crew oldies), bag (Michael Kors), watch (Michael Kors), ring (Anna Beck), bracelets (J.Crew ), shades (Ray Ban )
Totally unintentional to be head to toe J.Crew, but truth be told, it does occupy a good bit of real estate in my closet. This outfit (coupled with a geek out evening of watching Suze Orman--I know but she sucks you in) got me inspired to try a little something that many of us have tried (myself excluded).  With the exception of this Blazer, which I got on major sale, the majority of this look came from things already existing in my closet.  Ole' Suze said it takes 21 days to break a habit and well, I've had a pretty naughty habit here lately of shopping entirely too much!  Sooo, I'm saying it here so I have some element of accountability, I am going to give it a go and not buy one unnecessary thing for myself for the next 21 days (I think I just teared up a bit).  And by unnecessary I mean the bathing suit I've been clocking for a few days (this one too, damnit), or the heavy shopping cart on J.Crew I've had sitting there for a day (including THESE & THIS), these SANDALS, or THESE FANTASTIC RED SHADES!?!?!   I feel a smidge better having said it out loud, but still--this is going to be a major challenge for moi (it'sridiculous, I know---but clothes have always been my vice--obviously, I have a fashion blog for pete's sake).  So I am already 4 days in (started on the 1st)--fingers crossed and wish me luck!  You can shop the look above down yonder (someone outta have some fun, right)--Make it a good one, gang!  PS:  I think the no shopping admission in this post has me breaking out into hives!
photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

Floral Gets Vintage


Distressed Prep