The Pregnancy Plan
We're gonna quick touch base on this Embroidered Jacket which...wowza, gang....I'm in love with the details of this beauty. Not only would it be gorg over a gray slinky dress, but how cute with a Gray Striped Tee, Denim, and Sneaks? So here's how I ordered this

On the Importance of Strong Friendships
Goodness, if there was ever a time where my gal pals are C R I T I C A L to my day to day....'tis now. What with the pregnancy hormonal shifts, irrational thoughts, fears, crazy excitements, changes (read: hind, hips growing larger by the minute), and everything in between...it's my Girlfriends that are huge sources of strength, comfort, support

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue
"Y E S! Yes, I want to know the gender!" I squealed to my doc upon receiving the results of our genetic testing. Hells to the No do I have the capacity to wait until D-Day. And so without further ado, she said

Red Loves Ruffles
If ever I had a spring and summer uniform, a Fun and Flirty Dress paired with some dope Sneaks would no doubt be it. And luckily for us gals, Nordstrom is serving up a stellar selection of dresses that are Under $100

Tale of Two Frocks
Gang, I cannot B E G I N to express my gratitude towards everyone's heartfelt sentiments from last week's Baby Post....man all mighty, y'all had me all choked up and just got me W A Y more excited to share this journey with you!! No doubt about it! But onto the business at hand, yes? Frocks

Pregnancy Announcement: Our Party of Five
Oh goodness, gang, I've waited for quite some time to post this bad boy up! And I truly couldn't be more elated and just straight up over the moon to share that the Chappo Crew is going to welcome a new little bundle this October