A Connection

dress (French Connection c/o Morton James Lexington, KY),  shoes (J.Crew ON SALE other metallics HERE), necklaces(s) (two doubled up, Adele, Lexington KY, c/o), cuff (Morton James), rings (LagosAnna Beck), clutch (JJ Winters old), shades (Ray Ban)

Got a little love affair going on with French Connection.  Wanna know why?  Pretty simple actually, aside from the fact that their dresses are super modern and sleek with details I absolutely love, I really gravitate towards them because they SUCK YOUR SH*T IN.  And by SH*T I mean that backside and any other side you want sucked in for that matter.  This is probably one of,  hells I don't know,  8 FCUK's I own, and I continue to keep going back to Morton James for more.  God love Halie & Julia for keeping MJ stock piled with FCUK galore--fantastic selection as always, girls!  Ps:  super stoked Morton James is s + s' newest sponsor--welcome gals--y'all already know my love for them as illustrated HERE.  
This Dress was a top contender for a wedding weekend extravaganza I had a few weeks back but decided the slit may scare off the old folks and opted for a more neutral Ronny Kobo Frock paired with mint jewels from Adele...which brings me to my last and final tidbit, when in doubt and need to amp up a look--do yourself a favor and peruse Adele's accessory selection.  This is no fluff, I literally go to them for any and every event I have when in need of some gems--their gems are my jam.  
Alright gang, cheers to a wonderful week, KT and I FINALLY have our schedules in sync and will be back to our regular shooting schedules--therefore, no more posting hiatus!  Thanks for stopping by!

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem

The Bunnies


Hair Raising