Hair Raising










We're gonna talk hair today,gang.  But before we dive into that--may I apologize for the radio silence.  If you follow s + s on INSTAGRAM, then you know I took a little bday getaway to Ojai, California this weekend..which can I just say, is absolutely breathtaking, charming, quaint, lovely, perfect, and somewhere I will definitely be visiting again.  Now if you don't follow along IG, then you prob think I'm a slack as*, lazy bones blogger and I can't say I blame you---meant to give y'all a heads up on my mini departure but alas, got caught up in the kiddies, job, packing, etc...promise to have outfit posts coming back 'atcha this week right after I wrap up a work meeting in Columbus.  
Ok, onto the 'do.  I got my hair done last week at my usual joint, Voce on Clay, with my go-to gal, Shawnee.  The night before, I started sifting through some previous posts trying to figure out which cut suits me best....kinda couldn't decide as they are all quite similar and yet they've each got a bit of a different vibe.  Ultimately I chose one of the above pics for inspo (can ya guess which one), and I have to say, Shawnee knocked it outta the park, per usual.  And while the cut is obviously an integral part of your hairstyle, the product you use is quite important, too.  I get asked three questions pretty frequently regarding the 'do so figured I'd do a quick roundup of my hair routine:
"How do you style your hair?"
Blow dry using my fingers to rake it forward.  Top 'er off with a flat iron.
"What is the texture of your hair?"
Pretty thick thanks to my mom...gets wavier as I get older.
"What product do you use?"
Aveeno shampoo , Marco Pelusi Anti Freeze Leave In Conditioner, Marco Pelusi Color Smoothing Gloss, Drugstore Pomade to give it the piecy look
I have used Marco's Leave In Conditioner and Color Smoothing Gloss (applying a dime size while hair is still wet prior to drying) since having short hair and I swear by it.  Since I both blow dry and straighten my hair almost daily, it can get a smidge dried out and these two suckers keep the locks smooth and flyaway free.  I had the pleasure of meeting  Marco on my last trip to LA and I have to say--he is equally sweet as he is talented.  
Alright gang, cheers to a great week and cheers to the UK Wildcats for an amazing ride--you boys done good this season--us Lexingtonians are awfully proud of you!

photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem


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