All Day, Every Day Arugula and Parmesan Salad
Simple Arugula and Parmesan Salad recipe featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Beth Chappo
Simple Arugula and Parmesan Salad recipe featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Beth Chappo
Simple Arugula and Parmesan Salad recipe featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Beth Chappo
Simple Arugula and Parmesan Salad recipe featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Beth Chappo
Simple Arugula and Parmesan Salad recipe featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Beth Chappo
Trust me when I say this baby accompanies all bowls!! And, it takes two secs to make.
Ingredients for your Arugula and Parmesan Salad:
Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
Lemon Juice or Apple Cider Vinegar-- I L O V E both equally!
Everything Bagel Seasoning or Celery Salt and Black Pepper
Parmesan Cheese, finely grated
Optional: Prosciutto- add if you need a protein boost! Red Onion makes a great garnish too!
Toss the arugula with oil, and 2-3 capfuls of lemon juice or vinegar. Season with bagel seasoning or celery salt and pepper and add parm. If using prosciutto, layer a plate with prosciutto slices. Build your bowl: put a big old mound of arugula on top of the prosciutto or put the arugula mix on top of your favorite bowl and E N J O Y !
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